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Monday, July 9, 2007

效素大汇集。朋友与亲人试了我的效素都很喜欢, 让我帮他们做,所以就多做了3 罐咯!


Nicole Hah said...



Michelle said...

That is red color dragon fruit.

I manage to buy the big bottle at the right hand one at RM18.90 in Malaysia supermarket. Big one and can put 18pcs of apples at on time.

Nicole Hah said...

18pcs apple! wow, then that 1 can have a lot of enzyme lo!

Michelle said...

Ya lor.....use a big one then one time can make a lot....hehehe

Michelle said...

Ya lor.....use a big one then one time can make a lot....hehehe

Michelle said...

Ya lor.....use a big one then one time can make a lot....hehehe